Integrated Check21 Provides Convenience and Cost Savings

“We are extremely happy with FLEX Check21. Each of our tellers in our four branches has a scanner at their station that integrates with member accounts and the central system. The overall convenience and access this offers to the staff and members has been revolutionary and we are realizing huge cost savings.”

– Noel Stratton, Information Technology Manager, Members 1st CU


Point-of-transaction Check21 that includes image retention and cash letter processing should be demanded. FLEX not only delivers, but with the draft images tied directly to history and automated on-us clearing, takes it to the next level.


FLEX provides members a way to quickly and easily deposit a check from their mobile device. Using advanced image detection technology, it even cross-checks against other deposited items to ensure that you’re not accepting the same check twice.


Not only can your credit union be paperless, your members can be, too. eStatements, eReceipts, and eNotices provide a cost-saving way to deliver information to your members. With FLEX, members can also access any other document, loan form, or letter you desire through Internet Banking.


Documents should be easy to save and easy to find. Every member document, form, receipt, statement, and scanned item can be indexed to an account and transaction with FLEX. They can then be recalled as needed right from within the member’s account.


Capture a member’s signature electronically when closing a loan or opening an account without complex workflows or separate software. FLEX builds the process into a single design and delivers an efficient solution for your staff.


An imaging solution that allows a user to index scanned documents into the very same archive as core-generated items means any document related to a member can be accessed from a single point within FLEX. No separate software or cumbersome indexing process required.


Your members should have confidence in your service offerings and need not worry about data breaches. Place your members in control with the FLEX core processing system, which allows for remote controls for cards through mobile apps. EMV certification for your cards is managed by FLEX with every major card processor.

FLEX will take your credit union entirely paperless.